Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Breaking News - Good news for guys

So you guys can now have excuse to ogle at women assets. Stupid!!!!!!!! No other work to do arh!.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Medicinal Plant Series 3 - Pineapple

We are talking raw pineapple here . I always believe it has some potent chemicals and antioxidants. Mum eats alot She got a different idea like to cleanse the intestine. Too much fibre and acid is not good I always say but she not listening..................

Fighting Cancer with Pineapple
According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer has now
surpassed cardiac disease as the largest killer in the United
States. The incidence of cancer increases with age, with
approximately 80 percent of cancers occurring in people over the
age of 55.
However, according to researchers at the Queensland Institute of
Medical Research, preventing cancer may be as simple as eating

Pineapple Fights Cancer Growth
While analyzing bromelain, an extract of crushed pineapple stems,
researchers found that two molecules isolated from the extract
showed promise in fighting cancer growth:
One molecule, known as CCS, blocks a protein called Ras,
which is defective in approximately 30 percent of all cancers.
The other, called CCZ, stimulates the body's own immune
system to target and destroy cancer cells.
Researchers discovered these two molecules work simultaneously to
block the growth of a broad range of tumor cells including breast,
lung, colon, ovarian and melanoma.

And while CCS and CCZ are protease enzymes (usually associated
with breaking down proteins, as in the digestive process), the
above findings distinguish the molecules as a new way of treating
disease and potentially a whole new class of anti-cancer agents.

What's more, bromelain, a rich source of enzymes, has also been
found to modulate immunological responsesand has been proposed to
be of clinical use.

BBC NewsJuly 22, 2005

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Darren's mum passed away peacefully

Kim's inlaw passed away 2 days back Another victim of cancer. She was so young to be called to the Lord. Ah Foo asked Big Sis to send a wreath on our behalf. We wish them well and cherish the good and fond memories of her. Thought we never met I kind of imagine she was a strong and determine person.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Birding in the Wild Series 19 - Is this a sparrow

Can anyone ID this bird. Looks like a sparrow to me but somehow the beak do not fit and its white chested. Sighted in Pasir Pinji Ipoh suburban residential area. It has what looks like whisket. For now I can only say its may be a bulbul or a juvenile magpie? Somebody please advise.

Birding in the Wild Malaysia Series 18 - Hornbill in Perak

Sighted this lonely Hornbill perched on a tall tree while driving along the old trunk road nearing Sg Klah Hotspring Sungkai Perak. Quickly back track to snap some photos It was about 100m away. Tried getting near it but spooked it. Heres is a Star article on Hornbill.... Another great place in Perak to see hornbills is Pangkor Island. Species -Oriental Pied

PERAK, not Sarawak, should rightfully claim the title of “Land of Hornbill.” After all, it is the only state where all 10 of Malaysia’s hornbill species are found. Sarawak has only eight. And better still, Perak or to be exact, the Belum-Temenggor forest, is one of only two sites where mass movement of hornbills has been sighted. (The other is Ulu Muda forest reserve in Kedah.) The spectacle of hornbills flying overhead in huge flocks is a visual feast that must rank as one of the natural wonders of the world. First observed in 1992 by bird watchers who counted over 300 hornbills in flight over Temenggor one evening, this phenomenon has not been reported elsewhere in the world.
During the Malaysian Nature Society scientific expedition at Sungai Halong in 1993, the highest count was 2,365 wreathed hornbills. In the 1998 expedition, plain-pouched hornbills were seen in huge numbers. The species was previously thought to occur only in Thailand. In the 2003 expedition, researchers tallied 2,051 plain-pouched hornbills in the span of 90 minutes at the Pos Chiong orang asli settlement. The discovery has nudged Belum-Temenggor into the country’s list of “Important Bird Areas.” Scientists believe this site holds the key to long-term survival of plain-pouched hornbills for it is the largest remaining tract of lowland and hill dipterocarp forest in northern peninsula and it hosts the only viable population of the species, listed by the IUCN-World Conservation Union as “vulnerable” to extinction and deemed the most endangered of Malaysian hornbills. Preserving Belum and Temenggor is vital as the plain-pouched hornbill is dependent on both forest reserves; the birds are believed to feed or nest in Belum but roost in Temenggor.

In a study from February 2004 to January 2005, MNS researchers found that the hornbills start to congregate in May/June and disperse in November, moving in a north-south direction. The survey failed to locate their roosting site but it is believed to be east of Pos Chiong. Breeding was not seen but since this species breeds in the Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary in Thailand, it is possible that they nest in Royal Belum. So far, only two species – the wreathed and plain-pouched hornbills – have been spotted grouped in flight. But the hornbill population appears to have fallen victim to logging. Hornbills nest in holes found in old, large trees – the very trees eyed by loggers. Recent counts are nowhere near those of previous years. The highest tally during the MNS study was 1,072 birds. The study, which also detected large congregations of helmeted and rhinoceros hornbills in Temenggor, found hornbills to be more common in unlogged forest. Hornbills play crucial ecological roles. They disperse seeds of fruit and forest trees.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Fashion Shoot HushPuppies 280406 MVC

The fashion week is here. This is in MidValley KL. The guests were having cocktail and refreshment. I was off the runway as the official photogs are in the front while I stayed at the side if the stage

All photos were taken using the Tamron 90mm f2.8 Di Macro. Did not have my Sigma Apo 70-200 f2.8 with me. First time doing a fashion shoot. Very impromptu. Was waiting for Sim who was working late again.

Gathering at Kai house - Bukit Tinggi 2

Sorry guys no photos. The bloody CF card was corrupted. Don't buy Hagiwara brand. Stupid of me. Everyone were there except Mum who is still in Ipoh.

Ah Ching shifted house yesterday. Kai got his factory workers to help out.