Friday, July 15, 2022

Lifer 559 January 2022 - Plain Sparrow (5/5)



Lifer 561/688 - White-capped Munia (subspecie Black-headed Munia Lonchura Ferruginosa)

White-capped Munia are resident of Central Java Indonesia. They were supposedly introduced into Singapore as caged birds before they find their way into southern part of peninsula Malaysia just like the Javan Munia. Now in Batang Tiga  there is a small colony of them living besides the  more abundant Scaly breasted. Surprisingly the latter Javan have yet to reach Melaka but remain further south in Johor coaster side. 

In July we saw them mainly in pairs  feeding together. and gathering nesting material.  Only one occasion we saw them in a flock of 10-15 birds They are quite shy or rather wary to people (even if we are shooting from the car). They will fly off further into the field about 40-80 feet away unlike the resident scaly.

Its nickname is the Tricolor Nun with its white head black throated and belly and brown back.


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