Sunday, June 04, 2006

Birding in AlorSetar Series 20

Went for a birding stroll at Taman Saga. Got myself a handful of new species sighting other the usual magpie, sparrow and squawking koel. the padi fields nearby are been filled and planned for development of houses. I think the yellow one is a common Iora basing from my bird guide

Meanwhile pockets of weeds, lallang and scrubs trees started to sprout landfill creating temporary habitats for a myriads of Munia besides the Baya Weaver. The BW nest are very well made and hang from the low shrub trees and they do have chicks inside them. so don't disturb them.

The Munia can be seen in cages of pet shops. My only guess is that they can be easy caught in the night when they are asleep perch on low lying trees. More often they are bought and released by Buddhist - "Fong sang" as a good deed.

Remnant water hole also create suitable habitat for waterbirds like water cock and the Cinnamon Bittern here seen flying gracefully pass me.

The tiny guy was doing its courting dance Its definately a long-tailed tailorbird darting here and there.


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