Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Langkawi 2005 Part 4 Mat Cincang

Day2 Itinerary
Everyone were early for breakfast. The food was local and continental fare. Funny all locals eating here. Where are the orang putih ?................. apparently there is another wing next to the front reception that is serving the same food but at a higher price (a couple of ringgit more). I was teling myself ........double standard !!!!!!!!!!! On the other hand we Malaysian have ourselves to blame with our table manners and selfishness especially buffet. There you see..................this women putting aside her plate still half full of food and going for third ..... fourth......fifth serving. Alamak what attitude is this ..............

Our hightlight of the trip .... Cable car trip. The weather was just fine when we boarded the cable car. The crowd has yet to arrive. Time 10.30am. It was a speedy ascend You can see the 7 wells waterfall. Mist was rolling by intermittently just like in Genting.

The view from the 2 different viewing platforms were spectacular clear and scenic The weather turns from misty wet to sunny within an hour. We were about 6,800 ft above sea level. From the top platform we quickly went down the "treacherous" path down to the new cable bridge. We spend almost 2 hours on top of Mat Kinchang You can take the cable car up and down from the 2 platform stations.

There is a petting zoo next to the base station. Entrance is free. KY was chasing the rabbits like a mad dog. Gotcha! and the rabbit hopped into the tree trunk

We had lunch at the Oriental Inn The mamak mee was good.

Here we met HH Lim family again.... ex-Unisain Palapes 1995. Work in an IT Co in BayanLepas
After lunch we off to Island hopping and to see the eagle feeding and then dinner at the floating restaurant - Hole in the wall. Included in the tour is the bat cave stopover and mangrove tour. We were early and drop by the Gallery Perdana entrance fee RM5 and Hot Spring entrance FOC.

Langkawi 2005 Part 3 UnderwaterWorld

Places we visited in Langkawi
Day 1 Itinenary 1
Visit to the Eagle monument next to the ferry terminal . The place was empty of crowd but a handful of visitors. Maybe the weather is too hot for the locals. There is a new bazaar building with islamic motives & features housing a few retail stands selling batik silk souvenirs and trinklets Snap some photos and we were off to Underwater World.

Before that to the petrol station to fill up the car.......... RM20 will do for 2 days ........that was what I thought would be enough for 180km travelling equivalent to 2 round trips of the island. The Map given was horrendous and we took a wrong turning and landed at Langkawi Porto Malai. The place was deserted. I notice these places are in dead end road
like many resorts we drop by. Signboards are very inconspicious if any. On the other side I think is the Holiday Inn

Day 1 Itinenary 2
Underwater World just loom into view after a few turns and it was lunch time. Actually we have tickets bought at Matta fair for entrance with set lunch........ but searching the envelope they were MIA . Alas have to buy new tickets. We have our lunch at the Siamese restaurant annexe to the place instead. Crabs was the main menu with fish vegetable salad local style with sambal . Very fresh, tasty and filling.......... highly recommended. Lunch cost us RM58. UW have an internal courtyard where they have some flamingoes, ducks roaming freely and a pair of parakeat chained at a corner Poor fellows. I like best is the open air circular aquarium full of pirahnas and other fresh water fish. The shark aquarium was not impressive maybe because the place is The 3D movie on sharks and killer whale was a letdown.

By the time we finished; it was already 5.30pm .........it was a quick dash to Langkasuka Resort near the Airport before it get dark. They were expecting us and gave us a ground floor unit. Noticed that many rooms are under repair because of wear & tear. The resort is more than 5 years old. The pool is a bit overdone and the water milky. My rating 2 stars the most for quality. That evening we tried their hawker fare. The Mamak mee was good but not as good as the one at Oriental village. Satay was so... so RM6.90 for half dozen. Roti pisang was good. Fish & chips cannot go wrong for the kid. In total RM42.00.

Langkawi 2005 Part 2 Arrival

We have landed at last. Our first 3 days is a package stay for 4 at Langkasuka Resort 3 star rated at only RM360 come with breakfast and 48hrs free use of iswara car. Whilst waiting for our hired car arranged with ShahKawi Holidays which we booked during the last Matta fair; we explored the ferry terminal. The weather was sunny with pockets of looming cumulus cloud.

They never are ready for you even if they were informed of your arrival time. When the car arrived in about 45 mins later it turned out to be a junk Proton Saga with the fuel meter disconnected and the mileage meter not working. One headlamp had a blown bulb, broken signal lights and door that cannot auto lock. Apparently the dismantled meters is a tactic/con job so that you pump in more petrol. Even my friend said that they will come to siphon your petrol tank when you park at odd places and in his case at the hotel he is staying!!!!!!!!1 THIS IS BAD FOR CUTI-CUTI MALAYSIA. You will be asking why JPJ Langkawi do not enforce and check all these hired cars for road worthiness on a regular basis. People will think that they are in cohort with the operators.

Langkasuka Resort did not live up to its 3 stars rating. The room we stayed was in a deplorable condition. The chair was without cushion cover and the air-con is sick! No daily newspaper? Well for RM180 per nite I expect better. Not forgetting a peak season surcharge. Breakfast for 2 only but when booked supposed to be a family of 4. It was a dissappointing holiday package from the start so I will give the tour operator 1 out of 5 star rating. Will I go to Shahkawi the next time? ................... you can guess!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Beehive at the house

It was very unfortunate that I have to destroy a beehive in my patio garden. It was too close for comfort for the little ones. What I did was to hose the hive down from about 20 feet. The bees did not attack as they have no idea what's hit them. After that the heavydownpour finished the job and disperse the remnant of what left of the colony.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

AlorSetar Food&ScenicPlaces

Restaurant Kek Tak Lei serves TimSum day long. The Its self service and you just pick what you like to eat. The serving is reasonable for RM2.50-4.00 per tray. Prefer they serve in bamboo trays but I guess its a hassle for the operator.

Waterfront is still as rustic & scenic as ever. I miss the the waterfront hawker fair though. The local authority have created a watch tower in its place. Stupid and wasting public money again!. The tower is gated and padlocked 24/7 So another white elephant in the making that really irked me!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Langkawi - Part one

The Kuala Kedah jetty is rather scenic and on either side fishing boats are moored next to the jetty at the river mouth . It is a breeze away from Alor Setar. 13 minutes to be precise vie the new 4 lanes highway straight from NS highway. The daily parking charge at the jetty is about RM7or more depending whether you want covered carpark

The family trip to Langkawi begins here at Kuala Kedah jetty. You can also take a ferry from Kuala Perlis or Penang. The ride takes less than an hour depending on the water condition. Cost an adult RM18 one way. The seating was a bit cram and phobic........ 4 seats x 2 in a row.

The boat is fully air-conditoned and have video TV entertainment. They were showing Mawi's road to stardom during our ride. He is good.

As you sight the islands of Langkawi the colors of the water starts to turn turquoise blue and green and its so soothing to the eyes. They were upgrading the Kuah jetty. I guess rushing for the Lima 2005 At the far left you see the giant kite the symbol of Langkawi taking flight.................. the 100 years curse of Princess Mahsuri have lifted and a new legend begins................ the Tun's vision