Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Langkawi 2005 Part 4 Mat Cincang

Day2 Itinerary
Everyone were early for breakfast. The food was local and continental fare. Funny all locals eating here. Where are the orang putih ?................. apparently there is another wing next to the front reception that is serving the same food but at a higher price (a couple of ringgit more). I was teling myself ........double standard !!!!!!!!!!! On the other hand we Malaysian have ourselves to blame with our table manners and selfishness especially buffet. There you see..................this women putting aside her plate still half full of food and going for third ..... fourth......fifth serving. Alamak what attitude is this ..............

Our hightlight of the trip .... Cable car trip. The weather was just fine when we boarded the cable car. The crowd has yet to arrive. Time 10.30am. It was a speedy ascend You can see the 7 wells waterfall. Mist was rolling by intermittently just like in Genting.

The view from the 2 different viewing platforms were spectacular clear and scenic The weather turns from misty wet to sunny within an hour. We were about 6,800 ft above sea level. From the top platform we quickly went down the "treacherous" path down to the new cable bridge. We spend almost 2 hours on top of Mat Kinchang You can take the cable car up and down from the 2 platform stations.

There is a petting zoo next to the base station. Entrance is free. KY was chasing the rabbits like a mad dog. Gotcha! and the rabbit hopped into the tree trunk

We had lunch at the Oriental Inn The mamak mee was good.

Here we met HH Lim family again.... ex-Unisain Palapes 1995. Work in an IT Co in BayanLepas
After lunch we off to Island hopping and to see the eagle feeding and then dinner at the floating restaurant - Hole in the wall. Included in the tour is the bat cave stopover and mangrove tour. We were early and drop by the Gallery Perdana entrance fee RM5 and Hot Spring entrance FOC.


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