Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Langkawi 2005 Part 2 Arrival

We have landed at last. Our first 3 days is a package stay for 4 at Langkasuka Resort 3 star rated at only RM360 come with breakfast and 48hrs free use of iswara car. Whilst waiting for our hired car arranged with ShahKawi Holidays which we booked during the last Matta fair; we explored the ferry terminal. The weather was sunny with pockets of looming cumulus cloud.

They never are ready for you even if they were informed of your arrival time. When the car arrived in about 45 mins later it turned out to be a junk Proton Saga with the fuel meter disconnected and the mileage meter not working. One headlamp had a blown bulb, broken signal lights and door that cannot auto lock. Apparently the dismantled meters is a tactic/con job so that you pump in more petrol. Even my friend said that they will come to siphon your petrol tank when you park at odd places and in his case at the hotel he is staying!!!!!!!!1 THIS IS BAD FOR CUTI-CUTI MALAYSIA. You will be asking why JPJ Langkawi do not enforce and check all these hired cars for road worthiness on a regular basis. People will think that they are in cohort with the operators.

Langkasuka Resort did not live up to its 3 stars rating. The room we stayed was in a deplorable condition. The chair was without cushion cover and the air-con is sick! No daily newspaper? Well for RM180 per nite I expect better. Not forgetting a peak season surcharge. Breakfast for 2 only but when booked supposed to be a family of 4. It was a dissappointing holiday package from the start so I will give the tour operator 1 out of 5 star rating. Will I go to Shahkawi the next time? ................... you can guess!


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