Friday, October 14, 2005


Muscle Spasm of the Back I did some search for reference
Muscle spasm intensity will vary in severity. For this reason, please take the time to read about the following information about this condition before you decide what approach to take for helping with treatment and prevention of a muscle spasm:
*Health DisclaimerAny information given about back related conditions, treatments, and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the #1 Back Pain Site!

All about Muscle Spasms
Muscles of the back may produce spasm or extreme muscle stiffening after a traumatic injury or repetitive strain. The difference between a repetitive strain and a traumatic injury is that with a repetitive strain the muscles are being irritated over a long period of time until they reach a point that finally triggers the spasm. The muscles then spasm to protect the area from further injury. For example, a person who has improper posture at a computer on a regular basis, or a golfer who plays frequently with bad form may have their muscles tighten over time, but the muscles may not start to spasm until something as simple as reaching for a glass of water occurs. This spasm can be extremely painful and lead to tearing of the muscles if undue stressors are placed on them. This tearing will than lead to guarding of the back musculature through extreme stiffening to protect the area from further harm. With proper care for the area, the pain in the back musculature should lessen over three weeks, but it should be noted that the healing of the area continues and doesn't even peak until at least six weeks following the initial injury. This is due to scar tissue formation which initially acts like the glue to bond the tissue back together. Scar tissue will continue to form past six weeks in some cases and as long as a year in severe back pulls. The initial approach to treating a muscle pull is to support and protect the muscles, help them to loosen up and lessen the pain and minimize any inflammation. After the scar tissue has begun to accumulate, it will be important to perform procedures which help break down the scar tissue in the muscle so as to let the muscle regain its normal flexibility and lessen the chance of further injury. While exercise is appropriate for breaking down scar tissue once the area has healed, it may further irritate the area during the initial stages. Therefore, other methods such as ultrasound, massage, and gentle chiropractic adjustments may be safely used to accomplish this early on in the injury. The listed Therapies, Products and Activities section will give more information on how to help your condition, however, as each Muscle Spasm condition is different, always consult your doctor to determine what treatment is right for your particular situation.


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