Friday, October 14, 2005

The pain........the pain.........

This is not the first time. The pain comes gradually. Yesterday the pain was excruciating Muscle spam is hell I tell you. It kick in from my right pelvis and down to the feet. The last time it happened I almost blackout I was actually seeing stars!... no seriously I have to take painkiller when resting. One time the pain lasted 6-8 weeks. Its frightening. If you cough or sneeze aiiiiiiiiiiyooooooooooo the pain is real bad.

Today the pain have subsided after drinking mum's chinese concortion and drinking lots of water. I suspect the sour or "cooling/ ying" food is the trigger. Lately I being drinking & taking sourly food like banana leaf rice's "resam" soup, "chee kiok cho" (vinegared pork) and lemon honey juice. Even green tea to stick to old tea Pu Erh.


Blogger mike kan said...

I have been doing full length stretching exercise in bed before retiring & waking up. Taking glucosamine tablets suppose to keep the ligaments supple I find that it helps to keep the spasm from flaring up. Will monitor the situation and advise next month on any breaking news

12:18 PM  
Blogger mike kan said...

Okay here is the secret. Learn from cats. U know these guys take catnap every now and then. When ever they wake up; they will do some stretching from paw to paw and curling their back. Have been doing just that Well my back pain has not being bothering me for the past month.
So every day before you slip out of bed just laze on the bed and do some strectching exercise free form which ever way that is comfortable and ease. Best is just in a straight position

10:46 PM  

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