Monday, December 05, 2005

Mohamed Nazri the man...............

For once somebody in the government dare to speak out among the "yes" men. I am impressed with logical explaination and approach this minister have taken regarding the ongoing farcas of the "ear squats in the nude" issue. From the start of the debacle Nazri have shown firmness and good reasoning in contradicting his counterparts' denial of wrong; defensive opinion and intimidating gestures. It is a shame we have such appointed leaders who do not have the PR protocol

I salute you and do continue to give Malaysian Public the assurance that abused of power must be cordoned and ketuk!!!!! harder the better. These people still thinks they are privileged and above others............even defying the call of Pak Lah ..........but the story will continue..................and heads will fall we will see...............SunTzu Art of War


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