Monday, February 06, 2006

Birdie in the Wild Series 9

Near my parent house there is a monsoon drain. Here I managed to photo this skinny Wagtail bird or the like........ from a distance of 30 feet. Light was a bit bad in the morning. It was very elusive alert and darting everywhere hunting for guppy in the drain. It was about 3-4 inches with long legs and a tail as long as the body.

The water fowl was even more elusive from a distance of 150 feet it was off into the bushes. One of these days when I am really free I will wait for it to appear.

Lineated Barbet (Megalaima lineata) They are about 5 inches in size and plump. They were eating madras thorn tree's flowerbuds or fruit. Apparently they are like woodpecker and they nest in hollow of tree trunks


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