Monday, April 10, 2006

Ching Ming 2006 Back to Ipoh

It was a weekend stay in Ipoh for Ching Ming. As usual on arrival we went to Kong Hing for our brunch with Mum. Kai was back too this time with Ah Fei & Mengmeng meeting us at Sam Poh Tong in the afternoon.

At Sam Poh Tong the crowd was missing because the actual start of Ching Ming is on the 12.04.06. Not so festive lor .............very quiet in fact. We have the whole place to ourselves minus the incense and noise. Good for KY to explore the place on her own without having to worry she getting lost. As usual it time for burning of offerings to Dad and the elder take charge with the grandsons counting the hell money

Side tracking went photography while mum pray in the temple. In the garden pool you can find miniature figuarines that are surreal. Best in the morning time. I kind of like the one which Buddha meditating behind an archway in a cave. The pond is a bit dilapidated and I think its time for upgrade and do over.


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