Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Fraser Hill Malaysia - Birding Paradise Part 1

The Haze will be back ...........says the Star as wind may bring in smoke from Riau Hotspot. Bad for birding. Fortunately the weather from 10-13 March was perfect with clear blue sky in FH. I am pleased to have sighted more than 15 over bird species for the 2 mornings I was there with the family. The EF 70-300mm lens poor focussing and low speed let me down many times but what the heck I am happy with the catch.

The birds are plentiful this month around. There are groups of serious birders everywhere mostly Kwai Lo. I only say 2 guys with spotting scope but no camera.

At the Paddock I stumbled upon this Sunbird just 2m away and have to back up to focus as it about to take flight
This Lesser Green Leafbird was sighted several times... once near the Silverpark Resort.

I was surprise that the bottle brush tree attracts many birds in the hill. You just sit still closeby and quietly wait for them to appear. They come as close as 2-3 meters from you.
I think this is a Purple throated Sunbird as it go about sucking nectar from the bloom. near the FH Golf clubhouse
The other bird that frequent the bottle brush tree is the Long tailed Sibia. They fly in a group eat in a group usually eating berries and buds from tree to tree. I caught this one as close as 2 meters and flashed the shot. Its unique body markings are a white tip to its long tail and its red eye.
I got to capture a picture of this beautiful Streated Spiderhunter going on its round of nectar. Its has distinct orange-yellow legs amongst its cousin grey breasted one.
The tiny one that I guess i saw is the
Orange-bellied flowerbird based on its tailless profile and beak.


Blogger mike kan said...

At Frazer's Hill, they come to you. Just wait at this Jelai hotel car park and they'll come in waves to feed off the flower tress there, starting at around 6.45am up until 9.00am.

We tried to stalk for them after lunch by taking a 4km (?) walk with our camera and tripods that took a good 2 hours and caught maybe 3 species. Frazer's is a birder's haven.

As for the lens I found the longer the better. I had mine on the 400m end with a TC-1.7E II and that was just right for me at Jelai. Chien had a TC1.7E II fixed to his 300mm. What's also important is the Wimberley gear. I had the sidekick and it was a big plus. Now both Chien and Nelson will theirs as well.

9:33 AM  
Blogger mike kan said...

The partridges were seen two times right after the first band in Bishop's trail.

The pin-tailed parrotfinch was seen (quite some time back) on the road to Waterfall. There's a stretch very shady and the stream/slope on the left.

8:00 PM  

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