Thursday, February 23, 2006

Temple series -2 Siamese Temple Ulu Yam Selangor

The Stupas

The founder This temple run by Siamese monks. It has been upgraded from donations from pilgrims and devotees from time to time. Every year you can see new structure put up. In fact during our recent visit they are building an arch or something. Should be ready by year end 2006. The stupas are new I think you can buy a unit to keep your ash..............

Surprisingly you can see other taoism deities like the Kuan Kong & Kuan Yin on the altar. There is a mixed of every thing. A bit rojak don't you think so................You have the Tibetan chanting rotating drum which you are suppose to chant O Mi Pek Mi Hum as you push it around to cleanse you of bad vibes and ward off evil ..........I think the debitor got to go more often

They have now the 12 chinese horoscope animals for visitors to snap photos with.............then there is the wishing tree like you watch those HongKee shows where you throw your offering sachet on the tree. That is new. The higher the better......... this family were trying hard to get it as high on the tree but in the end caught the low branch and the father got a scolding ..........moral of the story........aim high and hoping high are 2 different path Fate can be change but destiny is marked for each and everyone. JUST DO GOOD BE CHARITABLE, & BE FORGIVING BUT DO NO EVIL .......EVENTUALLY YOUR PRESENT KARMA SHALL BRING YOU A BETTER LIFE NEXT TIME

3 monkeys - See No Evil Hear No Evil Speak No Evil holds water.


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