Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wedding 2006 - Chews and Cheongs

The beautiful sam po............ PoiYee
The happy and stylo sun leong kor SenGiap

Sim's cousin brother got married. Father side. The place....Restaurant On Pong Ampang town

The Inlaws

It was very odd day for a wedding on a Thursday. Actually to accommodate the AS people who have their off days on the day and Friday. I think so...........Anyway as usual the ceremony started at 8.45pm.

The first dish is the 4 seasons and followed by watery sharkfin soup and then suckling pig ................. surprisingly the lotus leave rice came out the best and the prawns were fresh. Ling ate the most prawns and complained later that she almost spew on the way back...

We have the tea ceremony halfway thru the dinner. Even myself got to be served tea.

Peng & Seong

Groom's sis in blue pic below and the proud mum of the groom. Some candid short of the bridemaids.

Pretty ehh...well if you need me to introduce these pretty for the younger ones also can...... you got to just ask me nicely and don't forget my angpow if the deal is done...........

Tee and the MunsThe yam seng affair was rowdy and cheerie with the guests full attention and support. The In-laws looks young. Bride is 19 years old. Lucky fella

The 3 sisters and the guys browsing the photo album on display


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