Thursday, February 09, 2006

Botakgate - what a hoo-haa!

It always been the Beatgate and then Squatgate has passed and now the Botakgate case is hanging in the air. It was in the newspaper before CNY that I read that Mahjong is allowed but no fireworks. I really don't understand what is the fuss about. Gambling in the public is wrong. I believe there is more to it according to the Kajang folks............ KongHeeFattChoy HongPau tauloi le

I like to ask whether police got enough evidence to show that money change hands. Eventually the case will be throw out is my guess.

Actually Mahjong is 70% skill and 30% luck game. Its a game played by the older folks who have the time to pass. Ask the police go and catch those bigger fish ............. illegal betting syndicate empat ekor, horse betting and EPL football betting .............. they come out nought.

These guys were lucky that they have a free hair cut some say........morally its wrong cos abuse of authority beyond the call of duty reflects badly on the police.

I have yet to read any news on persons got caught lighting firecrackers during the festive period. If James get to catch those b#*tard playing fire crackers this CNY especially the "tin kong pau" he will shave their pubic hair as well as their eyebrow!!!!!!!!


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