Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Birdie in the Wild series 13

Today went exploring into the undergrowth of the retention pond land near my office. It was a fruitful outing and I manage to photograph an exotic bird which looks like a wild pheasant. My friend say its a female koel.It sure havea beautiful tail. I only manage to snap one photo before it was attacked by a pair of Orioles ....territorial birds The overcast sky spoil it all but you can still see some details of the silhouette.

The other one is a heron or egret at the retention pond outcrop its wings span at least 5 ft when in flight and white in colour. but when it perch on banana leaf it back is brownish and the wings just fold inside just like a Tomcat F14 on an aircraft carrier. Photo taken at about 40m away so it is quite huge considering cropping and zooming in at 300mm


Blogger mike kan said...

Not really wasted ......... atleast you look younger when you wear those oakley sunglasses while playing futsal. By the way I wan to join lah

11:06 AM  

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