Saturday, February 18, 2006

San Yee Striked Lottery

We have a dinner bash yesterday at HauKee again to celebrate the small win fallby 3 yee. This is her first time kena 4 ekor .............1st prize some more.
The food was good. This time round we order again the cod fish and new dishes were sotong in black sauce ........seong tong lala and the salted roe crab. The 4 bean vegie was just rightAll in all RM370 for 9 dishes. They have yi chee for RM100........maybe next time.

Mum and the Soons were dining with us this time.Their first time there and their review on the food is 2 thumbs up. Tee is into her 2nd semester so Mum says cannot eat crabs and its her favorite .........boohhhhoooooo

Look at my tiny tot digging into her food .............She getting to be quite independent with a temper to go

So when is my turn to strike lottery ..............


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