Monday, February 20, 2006

Temple series -1 Pekan Ampang fairy temple

I am fascinated with temple and the people that come to worship and pray for divine intervention. So I am starting a series on temples and places of worship.

While the misses & children went to the open backroad market in Ampang I popped into this taoist temple along the main road. I was attracted by the spiral joysticks at the internal court yard of the temple. The day was about noon time and sunny.The temple is just across the pasar pekan Ampang if you need to know.

The interior was rustic, stain and dusty. The ambiance charmingly aged by the oil of the incense and candle through the decades the way I like it. I was wrong to think the older generation only visit the place. The colours of red and gold is everywhere giving it an authentic and mystic look. There is a young couple there to pray..............maybe for a baby

There is a corner where discarded statues of deities and fok lok sau.....i guess by visitors to be their resting place.

fok lok sau


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