Sunday, March 05, 2006

Raptor Watch 2006 Tanjung Tuan Cape Racardo Port Dickson

The family supposed to join me but late minute back out. So off I go at 7.45am. Traffic was light and I reach PD in a jiffy. Stopped at Lukut for breakfast - roti bawang & teh tarik RM2.20. I must say PD have changed much...... the old trunk road now have many traffic light junctions so do take the YTL highway directly to T. Kemang if you r an impatient driver. The weather was just dandy when I reach Cape Rachado off Teluk Kemang at 9.30am. The crowd were trickling in. It was about pass 11 am that the incoming raptors were sighted in the hundreds. MSN have a countboard. They have 3 sighting spot along the coast. Sighting is depending on the wind direction...... today they are more to the north of Tanjung Tuan. At passed 1pm the count was way pass 1,000 raptors................ mostly crested honey buzzards. Its very exhirating and the cheered by MNS birders .............1,000km to go...... Bon Voyage....... See you next year......................... These birds will not stop to rest but hit the thermals (rising column of hot hair ) to gain height and then glide up north.back to their breeding grounds in China, Korea, Japan and Russia! Friday saw them coming late in the evening 5pm. These laggards may stop over to rest for the nite.

There are many activities for the kids and adults alike.

I must really comment that the water quality in PD have somewhat improved and the pantai are clean. During weekends most of the resorts are fully booked.

Food and drinks were affordably sold by staff of Ilham Resort is my guess. Nasi lemak for RM4 big portion with sotong, rendang chicken and sambal. Burger for RM2.50....... HSBC was the main sponsor... subsidised ke?

Besides the real raptors there are pretty birdies you can chat up with. So festive and lively event. 2 thumbs up for MNS. One of the hightlight is the Zoo Melaka eagle feeding show. Wow factor that one. The MNS helpers are so friendly and readily answer your questions. Good for first timer like me.

The guys were also dressed to impress and there is this guy in khaki skirt wear ..........down under cooler that way.........but I like the T-shirt of the other guy probably bought from last year event. The seniors were not left out. I wonder in 20 years time I will be just like them. and the serious birders with expensive field scope and telephoto lenses.

If you have the stamina you can hike up the hill to the lighthouse in 15 minutes. The view from there is quite spectacular. Chatup with a threesome who came from Singapore just to watch the birds. They travel by bus to Seremban in the wee morning and transit from there.

But be aware of fierce long tailed macaque along the track. The adult male is fierce and daring. Try not to provoke it and Always keep your children close by and your hands should be empty of food. You can also hike down to the coastal forest reserve to see corals among other animals

Have I enticed you to go next year 2007. I will definately be there. See ya. Next time it will be a overnight affair. a three rooms apartment at Ilham is RM400 per nite with breakfast.


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