Sunday, March 05, 2006

Digiscoping First Hand Look - Leica Swarovski Nikon

It was a lovely opportunity to be at the Raptor Watch to try out spotting scope on display. There were 3 exhibition booths presenting Nikon, Swarovski and Leica field scopes and binoculars. Bushnell missing.

I was taken aback that they generally advise that using a compact digital camera will suffice for taking good pictures. It was noted that the camera lens must be smaller or the same as the eye piece diameter (exit pupil) to obtain non cropped image. So my 49mm Dimage 7Hi will not be suitable.

The Swarovski booth has the adaptor for Canon 350D and its likes. Apparently it takes photos not as good as the compact camera due to vibration and shutter shake. Then pointed out by a photographer that it was possible to lessen the shake by using the remote trigger and to enable mirror lockup as well as putting it on a firm heavy tripod. Higher ASA & Shutter speed helps to freeze a shot

Notice that the camera need not be attached to the scope adaptor piece. Usually it is enclosed by a tube to prevent stray lights from affecting the image

My choice is the the Swarovski STS/ATS 80 (HD). Cost for the entire package excluding tripod slightly below RM10,000.00 Holy cow! where to find the money Ask whether they have instalment scheme - Zilt.... U save and come to us when u have the money..... Like leh ah........ poor marketing.

You would like to note that digiscoping is meant for static photography and not for photographying moving object. Slow panning, low depth of field and fine focussing do not allow it to happen. Arh!!!!!!!!!!! maybe not so good an idea to go into digiscoping as yet ............but I definately will someday when prices drop to half ............

Notice this gentleman and its Carl Zeiss scope. It has a simple camera adaptor. I am sure he knows the pioneering Lawrence Poh.

Leica top of the range APO Televid 77 Price above RM10k .....way beyond my budget but still there are people buying them


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