Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup 2006 - the eyes are on the ball

Time now 11 pm another hour and all hell break loose. First match is between Germany & Costa Rica. Prediction 3-0 scoreline in favor of the host country


Blogger mike kan said...




*Brazil won the world cup in 1994. Before that, he had won this title for

the last time in 1970. *

*If you add up: 1970 + 1994 = 3964 *

*Argentina won the world cup for the last time in 1986. Before that only in

1978. *

** *And 1978 + 1986 = 3964 *

*Germany, though, won the world cup in 1990. **Before that, Germany won in

1974. *

*Look: 1990 + 1974 = 3964 *



*This could lead us to guess the winner of the World Cup in 2002, since it

should be the winner of the 1962 World Cup (In fact 3964 - 2002 = 1962). *

** *And Brazil won the world cup in 1962! (And, in fact, Brazil won the 2002

WC) *

*This numerology seems to work ... *



*And now, who would be the winner of the 2006 world cup? *

** *Let's see, 3964 - 2006 = 1958 *

*And who won in 1958? . . .*

*Oh, Brazil did!!!*

9:28 AM  

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