Friday, October 28, 2005

Dengue Scare

Wa lau! these mosquito stuff they are advertising to entice you to buy because of the dengue fever epidemic is getting crazy. The latest gizmo from USA I think cost RM5,600. Need LPG gas and DC power to function I say Sirim ! is it been tested whether its hazardous and child safe.

Other product like this one using Titanium dioxide????? ......... my boss bought 6 pieces ( about RM190 each) to be place every corner of the house The neighbors will thank him for attracting all the menace away from theirs.

Last week DBKL people were at our neighborhood to place mosquito larvae trap devices to keep the menace population down. . Its a good approach. For once I would like to "kowtow" to them for the proactive plan and concern rather than spending tax payers' money on white elephant projects. Cannot be Ruslin.. Datuk Bandar's idea. ......cos No news on it.
Here are my ways of overcoming the nuisance:-
a. If you are taking a nap on your patio improvise a hanging mosquito netting over your lazy chair or day bed U can buy from IKEA. If cannot hook from ceiling use your baby swinging stand or floor lamp stand. Cost less than RM25
b. Have a Insect zapper (RM15 each) near you all the time. Buy a fewlah for each member and can think of a hostery to hang it so that you can bring along in the house
c. Keep your Immune system in full power always I take plenty of vegie and anti oxidant fruits or else take E.Excel but not many can afford.
d. Have your house fully netted up....... all windows and doors opening. This will cost you though RM1,500 for an entire terrace house unless you r a DIY person

Saturday, October 22, 2005

BenQ 32" lcd flat screen TV

The price war has begun........ the Korean BenQ maker is not waiting. This one is been sold for less than RM6,000. Instalment scheme works out to be RM500 per month

When is my Samsung TV going blinker......maybe sabotage the darn old one ..............hehehe

Friday, October 21, 2005

Peter in KL

Surprised that Peter is here in KL to trouble shoot some new project. He will be off to Lion city next week. Janet got Peter to buy me a bottle of dessert wine from Down Under. She may be back in May - June 2006. Hope to get to drink it this coming celebration period.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I knew something was amissed when all the radio channel were playing sentimental music. Did suspect that either Datin Seri Endon Mahmood or Ghafar Baba had passed away, Then the news came....wife of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, passed away at 7.55am(GMT 23.55) Thursday at Sri Perdana, the Prime Minister’s official residence in Putrajaya. She was 64

Endon, who underwent several months of intensive chemotherapy in Los Angeles, returned home 18 days ago.

Datin Seri Endon has been an active figure in bringing awareness on breast cancer, promoting the nyonya kebaya which is a very intricately designed, traditional costume for women amongst other noble causes.
Condolences to the PM, family and friends.

Photos - Minolta Dimage 7Hi

These are some photos taken with my first digicamera. Its a prosumer camera. Got it in Lelong .com
I am not so happy with the sharpness of the lense. Got to take some arty photos after manipulating the color saturation & contrast. What I like is it the night/ low light focussing which is unsurpassed. Macro was so so but can do lah.
Derelict forklift in PJ factory

Galleria KL
Ants in the heart of Lily

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Another lazy weekend Stayed home. Had timsum at LokFook with Keow while the Fiat was in Ah Hung's cos the brake light indicated was flashing and the engine just die when idling.. Replaced the brake pump RM45 & topup and spark plugs Rm60 a bit expensive. Yee Poh prepared nasi lemak for lunch and left over for dinner.

Watch movie " the shooting war " narrated by Tom Hanks; showing real life footage of WWII and the people who shot them.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Muscle Spasm of the Back I did some search for reference
Muscle spasm intensity will vary in severity. For this reason, please take the time to read about the following information about this condition before you decide what approach to take for helping with treatment and prevention of a muscle spasm:
*Health DisclaimerAny information given about back related conditions, treatments, and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the #1 Back Pain Site!

All about Muscle Spasms
Muscles of the back may produce spasm or extreme muscle stiffening after a traumatic injury or repetitive strain. The difference between a repetitive strain and a traumatic injury is that with a repetitive strain the muscles are being irritated over a long period of time until they reach a point that finally triggers the spasm. The muscles then spasm to protect the area from further injury. For example, a person who has improper posture at a computer on a regular basis, or a golfer who plays frequently with bad form may have their muscles tighten over time, but the muscles may not start to spasm until something as simple as reaching for a glass of water occurs. This spasm can be extremely painful and lead to tearing of the muscles if undue stressors are placed on them. This tearing will than lead to guarding of the back musculature through extreme stiffening to protect the area from further harm. With proper care for the area, the pain in the back musculature should lessen over three weeks, but it should be noted that the healing of the area continues and doesn't even peak until at least six weeks following the initial injury. This is due to scar tissue formation which initially acts like the glue to bond the tissue back together. Scar tissue will continue to form past six weeks in some cases and as long as a year in severe back pulls. The initial approach to treating a muscle pull is to support and protect the muscles, help them to loosen up and lessen the pain and minimize any inflammation. After the scar tissue has begun to accumulate, it will be important to perform procedures which help break down the scar tissue in the muscle so as to let the muscle regain its normal flexibility and lessen the chance of further injury. While exercise is appropriate for breaking down scar tissue once the area has healed, it may further irritate the area during the initial stages. Therefore, other methods such as ultrasound, massage, and gentle chiropractic adjustments may be safely used to accomplish this early on in the injury. The listed Therapies, Products and Activities section will give more information on how to help your condition, however, as each Muscle Spasm condition is different, always consult your doctor to determine what treatment is right for your particular situation.

The pain........the pain.........

This is not the first time. The pain comes gradually. Yesterday the pain was excruciating Muscle spam is hell I tell you. It kick in from my right pelvis and down to the feet. The last time it happened I almost blackout I was actually seeing stars!... no seriously I have to take painkiller when resting. One time the pain lasted 6-8 weeks. Its frightening. If you cough or sneeze aiiiiiiiiiiyooooooooooo the pain is real bad.

Today the pain have subsided after drinking mum's chinese concortion and drinking lots of water. I suspect the sour or "cooling/ ying" food is the trigger. Lately I being drinking & taking sourly food like banana leaf rice's "resam" soup, "chee kiok cho" (vinegared pork) and lemon honey juice. Even green tea to stick to old tea Pu Erh.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Depth of Field
This section will deal with a photographic phenomenon called depth of field and its application when composing an image; for instance, when you need to separate an object from the background in order to attract and direct the eye of the beholder.The aperture not only controls the amount of light hitting the film or CCD sensor; it also influences the depth of field. In physical terms a perfect, or critical, focus can only be achieved for only one plane in front of the camera and every object in this plane will be sharp. But in practice there will be an area in front and behind this plane that will appear sharp.

This whole area is what has come to be known as depth of field. It is a characteristic of lenses that as the aperture is narrow (higher f-stop number), the depth of field increases and where apertures are wide (small f number) the depth of field decreases.The aperture determines the area in front and behind the subject, which is acceptably sharp.The following example should illustrate the effect the aperture has upon the depth of field. You are about to photograph a friend who happens to be standing in front of a forest. Focus on your friend until he is completely sharp and choose a small f-stop number (large aperture), e.g. f/2.8, before shooting.

When you view the results you’ll find that your friend is absolutely sharp where as the forest looks blurred. The forest is outside the limits of the depth of field.These settings enabled you to separate the main subject, your friend, from the background. This simple trick will consequently direct the eye of the viewer straight at him without being aware of it. Now, if you want to include the forest as an image composition element because it’s a one in a lifetime situation the only thing you have to do is stop down the lens. This is photographic jargon for choosing a smaller aperture (increasing the f-stop number), e.g. f/8. A smaller aperture will augment the depth of field and the forest will seam absolutely sharp.This is a pictorial representation of the effect of aperture on an image: On the left a small aperture was chosen (Large number eg f/16), and therefore nearly the whole image is in focus.

On the other image the choice of a large aperture (small number eg f/2.8) leaves only the number plate sharply focused.When you experiment with the depth of field you should also remember that there are two other factors, which influence the depth of field: the distance between camera and subject, and focal length. As a rule: the larger the distance between camera and subject, the larger the depth of field; and the smaller the focal length, the larger the depth of field.Another interesting fact that should also be kept in mind is that today’s digital cameras tend to produce a larger depth of field compared with conventional 35mm cameras. So, if you are an experienced 35mm photographer and wondered why it is far easier to obtain a larger depth of field with moderate apertures while using your digital camera, now you know why.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The car heated up.............
On the way to work with the other half this morning the temp dial was way high up. Fortunately no seizure. The car was practically air cooled!. That is why I always recommend fully synthetic engine oil. If you want genuine BP Visco 5000 for RM 88 ringgit (while stock last) please contact me The place in Sg Buloh. I have been using it for my last 2 pit stops.

Tow trucker charged me RM60 from Mahameru to Setapak ...........must renew my AAM membership.

Spend RM450 replace leaking radiator base capping; replace the radiator fan.........apparently done 300k km without failure! Ah Hung says usually life span is 120k km only; plus all rubber hoses, radiator cap and coolant. Cheaplah compare to others. 1 hour job. One thumb up for SK Auto, Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

It's a Cat's life
Purring away and cuddling in bed with the kids for most of the morning.
It's is goooooooooooooooood!
Kuning is our friendly neighbourhood tomcat

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Proton Savvy ..............another blunder

Tested the new Proton Savvy the other day.
The Look & Design- frankly I like the front & side profile especially the headlamp ....but the back is a disaster I call it a "overcooked" look with too many lines and detailing. Maybe input from the top guns who don't know what the market wants. Hello look at the Suzuki Swift 2005 and you will know what I mean Either the whole design team had to be sacked or the head honcho got to go. The rest is history..........If I was the CEO I will not be too clever just modify people design that can sell. On the other hand Savvy is much better than Arena seller in Australia? how many sold there I don't knowlah....... and the other one "the square box" mini MPV is a total joke. Now I remember Juara. In my opinion Gen2 is Proton best looking car but the interior is crap! Hello we have six footers here in Malaysia. I think the seating cushion can be moulded lower to get another 2-3 inches clearance. Tell me how r u going to sell to orang putih!
You guys failed me time and wonder I am still driving a Wira 1.6i Aeroback for the last 10 years !!!!! First impression sell Proton! I hope you do not mess up your next car - a MPV I wish. Look at Avanza a bit wider, Zafira same there, Caren almost perfect or Grand Scenic perfect but not the price Don't look at Suzuki APV or Innova lousy. Please do ask a professional to conduct a market survey and get to know your target market - family man is always the biggest market!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Engine - another Renault engine. The stigma of ....Tiara...... still lingers. Hai ya never learn from your mistake. No wonder got sack. I test driven the manual ........the stiff shift gear and clutch was totally strenous and underpowered. No wonder there is no auto transmission as yet .................. My wife's Fiat Punto fares better. I think the car is much too heavy for the 1.2 litre powerhouse. If cannot modify the Campro engine to VVTI go buy one blueprint or colloborate to build. Don't get second hand technology no matter how cheap.

2 thumbs down

TUV - what a waste of money...... everything check ya! What gimmick is this. The cabin feel cranky with squecking sound from dashboard to the back ...... though I must admit the car feel - well built but the sound proofing is a total letdown. Worse you can hear the engine revving noisily to pull the car. This is not acceptable ...... Proton buckle up and don't blame your failures on the AP.

2 thumbs down plus 1 big toe

Anything good about the car you ask .......................3 years warranty but its a losing proposition for me

Friday, October 07, 2005

Dengue Fever - Papaya leaves
I would like to share this interesting discovery from a classmate's son who has just recovered from dengue fever. Apparently, his son was in the critical stage at the SJMC ICU when his platelet counts drops to 15 after 15 litres of blood transfusion His father was so worried that he seek another friend's recommendation and his son was saved. He confessed that he give his son raw juice extracted from papaya leaves. From a platelet count of 45 after 20 litres of blood transfusion, and after drinking the raw papaya leave juice, his platelet count jumps instantly to 135. Even the doctors and nurses was surprised After the second day he was discharged. So he ask me to pass this good news around. Now it is raw papaya leaves, 2 pcs just cleaned and pound and squeeze with filter cloth . you will only get one tablespoon per leaf. So two tablespoon per serving once a day. Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loose its strength.Only the leafy part and no stem or sap. It is very bitter and you have to swallow it like Wong Low Kat. Its potency is in RAW form

Pegaga Juice - Cure for Dengue Fever
You may have heard this elsewhere but if you have not; I am glad to inform you that pegaga juice is a natural cure for dengue fever. As dengue fever is rampant now, I think it's good to share this with all. A friend of mine had dengue last year. It was a very serious situation for her as her platelet count had dropped to 28 after 3 days in hospital and water has started to fill up her lung. She had difficulty in breathing. She was only 32-year old. Doctor says there's no cure for dengue. We just have to wait for her body's immune system to build up resistance against dengue virus and to fight its own battle. She already had 2 blood transfusion and all of us were praying very hard but her platelet continued to drop since the first day she was admitted. Fortunately her mother-in-law heard that pegaga juice would help to reduce the fever and got some pegaga leaves, pounded them and squeeze the juice out for her. The next day, her platelet count started to increase her fever subside. We continued to feed her with pegaga juice and she recovered after 3 days!!! Amazing but it's true. It's believed one's body would be overheated when one is down with dengue fever and that also caused the patient to have high fever. Pegaga juice has cooling effect. Thus, it helps to reduce the heatiness in one's body, thus the fever will go away. I found that its also good when one is having sore throat or suffering from heatiness. Those of us staying in Subang Jaya are lucky as we can get Pegaga juice easily from the Penang Cendol stall in Giant! One cup is only RM1. Please spread the news about this as lately there are many dengue cases. It's great if such natural cure could help to ease the sufferings of dengue patients. Furthermore it's so easily available. Just go to market and ask the makcik who sells ulam and they usually have pegaga. Blend them and squeeze the juice! It's simple and miraculously effective

Extract email from: Beatrice Au

Photography Composition -extract from

VividLightPhotography by Bill Hartley. Pictures by Mike Mari

A builder designs and constructs; and accountant adds and subtracts; a doctor fixes and mends, but an artist composes. Artists include writers, musicians, painters and photographers. A good writer is an artist and he or she composes work so it flows and gives meaning. A musician composes a song so it has rhythm, beat, or order. A painter composes a painting by adding elements of design, color, texture form, and light. All of these elements create the illusion of movement, depth of field and flow. A good photographer, like a good writer, musician, or painter is an artist. And a good photograph will incorporate many of the same elements other artist's use - rhythm, color, texture, light and depth of field - to give the effect of movement and flow to create a good photographic image.

There are a number of ways to make your images look better. One of the easiest ways to improve upon a photograph is to improve upon its composition. You may think composition is easy, but it is probably one of the more challenging parts of photography.

For a photographer, composition means arranging the elements in a photograph. Let's suppose you have a chance to photograph a child that is standing in a field of flowers. Should you photograph the field of flowers with a small child in the background? Should you try to move closer so the child becomes a big part of the picture? Should the child be off to the side of the picture? Should they be in the middle? Should you move around to photograph them from the side or front?

How you choose to frame your subject, in this case the child and flowers, is called composing an image. Good photographers are good composers.

When it comes to composition, there is no such thing as right and wrong. Good composition can be challenging. You may rely on any number of rules and suggestions to help you compose pictures. But a picture that one person likes, another person might not. The person you really need to please is yourself. If the pictures come out the way you want them to, then you've taken good photographs.

Photographers have been developing rules to help take better pictures ever since the camera was invented. Not every rule can be applied to every situation, but most photographers find them helpful. But remember these rules of composition are only guidelines. Once you have learned them, you can start experimenting. By applying different rules of composition, you'll see how your photographic results can change.

Remember, that it is the person behind the camera, and not the camera that takes great photographs. This is especially true in composition, because you make all the decisions. Some photographers think that composing a photograph is the most fun and creative part of photography, and it is.

One Subject
Before taking a picture, decide what the main subject will be. Then compose your picture so your chosen subject stands out in a clear and interesting way. The trick to picking a main subject, is to make sure that it takes up at least 25% (or ¼) of the picture, which means it needs to also appear that large when looking through the camera's viewfinder. If not, your subject will appear too small and will be lost in the photograph. And therefore, will not be an effective subject.

A subject may be one thing or a group of things. It could be a single child or a group of children. It could be a single bird or a flock of birds. Choosing one main subject does not mean you include nothing else in your image. It only means that you have decided what the most important element of your picture will be. Your subject exists in the middle of an environment - a room, around a tree, in front of a building or other surroundings. It would be tough to photograph the child we talked about earlier without getting a flower in the photograph. Even if it were possible, it would probably not be as interesting, because it wouldn't show the child in a natural environment.

Center Composition
When composing images the best place to start is by putting your subject right smack in the center of the picture. In these types of photographs are easiest for others to determine the subject. Centered subject composition is the most common photographic composition. It is also the starting point to other styles of composition.

After you have centered your subject and taken a photo, continue looking through the viewfinder. Move your camera around the subject. Does another angle make the subject or its surroundings look more appealing? If so, take another photo. Then compare the results.

The Rule of Thirds
A photograph, like your camera's viewfinder, is a rectangle. In order to understand the Rule of Thirds, we will need to divide this rectangle into nine equal parts, by drawing two vertical and two horizontal lines, as shown in the boxed grid on the below.

The Rule of Thirds suggests that you position your main subject a third of the way from either side of your frame, and a third of the way from the top or bottom. Another way to better understand the Rule of Thirds is to look at where the lines intersect. These intersections are called "power points," because these spots naturally attract the viewer's eye.

When you place your subject at any power point you are taking advantage of the Rule of Thirds.

Although many people will position their subject in the exact center of a photograph, (which is not always a bad idea) you may find other choices make more interesting photos. With your mind's eye, imagine the power points. Now, move your camera from one side to the other. Then top to bottom. Does this new position create a more interesting (better composed) photograph?

A Trick to Understanding Composition

Take a piece of paper and cut out a rectangle 2x3 inches, in the center of the paper. It can be a little bigger or smaller.
Look through your family photographs. Pick out some images that you think look good and some that aren't so good.
Look at the composition of the images, and think about how they were composed.
Now, lay the rectangle cut-out over each photograph. Position the main subject in the center of the rectangle first. Then, move it to the right, now up, next down. Repeat the process on the left side, stopping in each position. Look carefully at how the composition changes when you move the rectangle. You will see the power points and begin to understand how better composition makes better photographs

A Learning Tool -Photography extract from

The ability to change camera settings later can also be a great learning tool. With so many variations available using in-camera settings, it's no longer just a matter of bracketing to see the effects of different exposures.
Let's say you shoot mostly landscapes. It's near sunset and the light is tricky. You set up on a tripod and bracket at 2/3rds of a stop above and below the meter reading in raw mode.

Now back at your desk load the images in and choose the one you feel is the best starting point. Most photographers use different films in different situations to control saturation and mood in their photos. Experiment with tone and saturation of your image to get a combination of settings that imitate a favorite film or films. Record those settings so you can choose what kind of "film" you want to use in the field - just as you would with a film camera.
Next, experiment with the white balance. White balance is probably the most misunderstood setting in digital photography and the accuracy of white balance settings varies greatly from camera to camera and under differing conditions.
Is auto white balance the best answer with your rig - or do your images look better with some white balance compensation dialed in? How about sharpness? Are you better off doing some sharpening in-camera, or doing it all in PhotoShop? If there's no difference let the camera do it to save you a step later. But beware! The amount of sharpening you want to do may change with the subject you're shooting.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Life is short ............ Enjoy life the way you want it .......... appreciating and knowing oneself is life .............. cherish life for what you have and not what you don't have............. for life come and go ............ and in life there is no harm to do charity and good ............. for I believe in the cycle of life..........

OK, mosquitoes... prepare to be repelled!!!!!
Use Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets . Best thing ever used in Louisiana ... just wipe on and go .. Great for Babies.
Bob, a fisherman, takes one vitamin B-1 tablet a day April through October . He said it works. He was right. Hasn't had a mosquito bite in 33 years. Try it. Every one he has talked into trying it works on them. Vitamin B-1( Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.)
If you eat bananas, the mosquitoes like you, - something about the banana oil as your body processes it. Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitoes will be much less interested.
This is going to floor you, but one of the best insect repellents someone found (who is in the woods every day), is Vick's Vaporub.
Plant marigolds around the yard, the flowers give off a smell that bugs do not like, so plant some in that garden also to help ward off bugs without using insecticides.
"Tough guy" Marines who spend a great deal of time "camping out" say that the very best mosquito repellant you can use is Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed about half and half with alcohol.
One of the best natural insect repellants that I've discovered is made from the clear real vanilla. This is the pure Vanilla that is sold in Mexico. It works great for mosquitoes and ticks, don't know about other insects.
When all else fails--get a frog A big fat one!!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It was a nice weekend outing with the family .......2 weeks ago which I like to share with everybody. Angela Hijjas Kasturi opens her home to visitors........a beautiful 10 odd acres of exotic collection of plants and waterscape and even her house is public except the upper family rooms lah. Do go to their website for details. Angela host a personalised walkabout tour once in a month. U will be treated to nasi lemak lunch break too! Luvly dear...... Do contribute generous to WWF coffer during the obligation though.... Don't U dare!

Nature lovers Just do it

How on earth that Singapore a tidy and clean place can be plagued by dengue fever? Maybe too clean is not good after all. No lah........ its the people doing. I wonder when they will start blaming the neighbour.

They r saying that aedes mosquito only bites during dusk and dawn. Worst than Dracula So keep your family members indoor and close all windows during these time. Don't forget the swatter. Better still don't breathe

Special day today just setup my own blog here