Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Langkawi Part 6 the finale

Well the final 2 nights were spend at Tanjung Rhu Resort. It was a full board affair so what the hell we eat and enjoy the facilities to our very best............ but still misses certain things. The beach was very clean and tidy. They actually "lawn" the sand on the beach every morning!

We were one of the few locals staying there. Mostly "ang mo kio" or asians. But over here the concierge and restauranteur greet all their guest by their name. 5/5 rating there.

Kar Hui & I went canoeing and then sailing on a catamaran. We managed to see a pair of dolphins too. We start hitting the water with our oars but they never come closer. Then a boat with tourist cameby and the dolphins went out to sea..... we notice one of them has a scar wound; maybe injured by engine's propeller.

In the evening the sea water receded and open up a pathway to the opposite isle...just like Moses did ............... 4.00 -5.30pm you are allowed to walk over.... lifeguards on dingy boat are on standby. Along the way you really get to see jellyfish as big as a basketball and mollusc the size of your palm! It about 1 km out...... no tsunami here though

The best part of the stay is of cos the food and drinks. From breakfast in room to outdoor dining the food was first class. The Saffron restaurant was always booked way in advance we missed that fine dining.

There is a spa section which is very exclusive and excluded from our package. We got a free 10 minutes head rubdown though. Here are some pictures of the place. There is also a new olympic size pool beside the garden pool and sand pool


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