Saturday, December 24, 2005

Night stalker finally caught

Our nocturnal friend .....civet cat was finally caught none other than on the parapet of our bedroom's balcony. It just like to nap there. It slightly bigger than a mature cat but the tail is at least 2.5 feet long. Usually it go after the banana fruits I planted. It is omnivorous. When we smell of pandan or a floral whiff we know its around. No pontianak herelah.

Because of the sliding glass door I cannot use any flash. So setting the camera iso to 1600 manage to snap a few reasonable sharp shots . Even then the speed was 1/30. Need to get some new f2.8 lenses. Lens used EF28-135mm f 3.5-5.6 IS USM on monopod

The critter was only a few feet away from the camera. Once it realised I was there it took off in all directions. With all the movement I cannot get any better photos. Well there will be a next time if it wake me up again at 3am

So going back to sleep now.............Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday.


Blogger mike kan said...

These guys are very timid fellows. At one time we chase one around my residential enclave and just hid behind an outdoor air-con compressor with its exposed tail wagging. Like any wild or domestic animal when cornered they will fight back. They do eat rodents and frogs so there is a high possibility they carry disease when food get scarce in a suburban neighbourhood and they start rummmaging garbage and dead stuff

3:04 PM  

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