Friday, March 31, 2006

National Automobile Policy - Is it too late

Who benefits I guess the people in a way but not if you are trading your old faithful for a new car. Losers....... the secondhand car dealers who have old stocks. Malaysia as a regional automobile hub ......... not likely so soon with the big names already settled down in other Asean countries. Geely is a start

Tun M said this will be the undoing of Proton. Well they have to buckle up and be more efficient and leaner. Cut overheads and reduce redundancy. Invest wisely in technology and introduce better engines and not stupid DVD player ...accessories and cosmetic changes and called it a new car! By the way what happen to Chancellor. Have not see one since the launch. What a Mahaleeeeeeeel

Reduction in excise duties do not affect MPVs and 4WDs. The price is revving up even. Why so? I strongly believe & predict Proton or Perodua will be coming out with their MPV model prototypes below 1800cc within this year. In this way they have good edge over the other marques. I am still waitinggggggggggg.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Canon EOS System seminar - Kaz Chua

Today attended the Canon EOS system seminar held at Royale Bintang Hotel in Bukit Bintang KL. Wanted to see and feel the EOS 30D. It is the upgraded version of the 20D. Its immediate competitor is the Nikon D200 in term of price below RM6k. Both have their strength and own followings.

Participants mainly Canonian and a few Nikonians about 150 strong started registering at 8.55am. Very surprised to get door gifts of a Mar 06 edition of Digi Camera Mag, the Canon's EF lens work III book and 3M microfiber cleaning cloth ...all easily worth RM100 inclusive buffet lunch.

The seminar started with Mr PK Teoh the Canon Sales Director giving a very technical account of EOS system compared to other brand N F S etc. Do you know that Canon make all their camera parts and lens from their R&D ........own technology wherelse the others outsources certain parts ie CCD sensor from OEM Co etc. Canon have a full range of 65 lens that no other brand can compete with them.
He kept emphasising Canon CMOS sensor is one of its kind and its true............theirs is the leader in term of energy saving shot for shot and CPU speed and Noise control at highest ISO. All marketing talk and .........Canon always listen to their users. Wah power!!!!!!!!

Kaz Chua gave a more pictorial overlapping talk on digital capture by CMOS and lenses........ continually emphasising the EF L Pro lenses are the numero uno in quality & sharpness and a must have by any serious photographer. After Q&A we adjourned for lunch
In the afternoon session Kaz Chua was in action demonstrating potrait shoots using the EOS 5D and EOS 30D from backlite to side lighting and tungsten lighting. Then it was the shoot out at ISO1600 & 3200 and the clear winner is still the 5D but not as much from what I see. I thought they will let us shoot too but alas never happen ..........the model charges by the hour is my guess

Besides the exhibits and large format printer demo This 24" one cost RM10k but an upgrade using 8-9 ink will be coming soon. There is the EOS booth that you can try out the latest lenses and L lens. The one that I was considering is the EF70-300mm DO IS USM with the green ring. The speed of focussing and sharpness is much improved compared to my old one...........but at 300mm it is still soft in low light.

There was also some beautiful really sharp photos on display by Mr Teoh himself using a 1Ds. The 30d photos were also super sharp.

Matta Fair 2006 Mar 2006

The entire family went to PWTC last weekend. We got ourselves the 5+1 nites stay in Ancasa Groups of hotels. Price was RM849.00. We have planned to go their Pulau Jerejak Resort in Batu Uban Penang during the coming May school holidays as we have planned to be in AS. Hope to try out Soon's Picasso.

It works out to be RM140 per nite per chalet with breakfast. You can opt for 2 bedrooms chalet but it utilises 2 coupons. There is abseiling, flying fox ride and jungle tracking activites.

Beside that they have Spa and Body Aromatherapy treatment that you can experience. We bought 2 packages at RM80 each at 50% off.

Well wait for the review of the place in May 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fraser Hill Malaysia - Birding Part II

This medium size bird is a curious one I encountered them more than 3 occasion while birding ........they just flew over....... feets away from you. You can even use flash to get a sharper image at such distance. They are low ground feeder. The picture shows one of Chestnut capped laughing Thrust about to pound on a grub.

The following are 2 birds which are most striking and colorful that I have seen in the wild and its just awesome as they sort of pose to you...... actually they are also curious looking at you with your big camera. The first one is the Silver-eared Mesia which I sighted at the worker quarters & near Mager road junction area in the early morning.

The next one is the Oranged bellied Leafbird . They are seen at Silverpark Resort if you want to know.

At the Jeriau Waterfall track I sighted a Black creasted Bulbul with its white-eye giveaway. The late evening light was not so good for photography. It was just playing hide and seek with me.... Peek a Boo. I even capture a raptor flying high. It most probly a migratory Don't think its a Blyth's hawk -eagle . Anyone can identify the silhuoette?

Some other birds that I sighted are Little Cuckoo Dove; Large Cuckoo Shrike White Bellied Swift and the little one Pied Flycatcher.

I did not manage to sight any woodpecker.............. well you cannot be so lucky maybe next year.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Anti Lampe Berger

Bum into this blog thru my regular site for updates on photography in Malaysia. I think its a good read for everyone. I myself uses aromatic oils at home but I never wanted to use Lampe Berger cos the price is beyond reach anyway. I buy those citronella oil at RM5 for 35ml for use with my natural salt crystal lamp and that last me 6-12 months.

They are saying now that it is a pyramid scheme..... unlike others you only pay less that RM100 to get the sales kit and starter kit. Here you pay a whopping RM2 k and later RM30k for you to achieve higher commission level which benefits the upline first. So go ahead and read about it join the boycott if you think there is truth to it

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Fraser Hill Malaysia - Birding Paradise Part 1

The Haze will be back ...........says the Star as wind may bring in smoke from Riau Hotspot. Bad for birding. Fortunately the weather from 10-13 March was perfect with clear blue sky in FH. I am pleased to have sighted more than 15 over bird species for the 2 mornings I was there with the family. The EF 70-300mm lens poor focussing and low speed let me down many times but what the heck I am happy with the catch.

The birds are plentiful this month around. There are groups of serious birders everywhere mostly Kwai Lo. I only say 2 guys with spotting scope but no camera.

At the Paddock I stumbled upon this Sunbird just 2m away and have to back up to focus as it about to take flight
This Lesser Green Leafbird was sighted several times... once near the Silverpark Resort.

I was surprise that the bottle brush tree attracts many birds in the hill. You just sit still closeby and quietly wait for them to appear. They come as close as 2-3 meters from you.
I think this is a Purple throated Sunbird as it go about sucking nectar from the bloom. near the FH Golf clubhouse
The other bird that frequent the bottle brush tree is the Long tailed Sibia. They fly in a group eat in a group usually eating berries and buds from tree to tree. I caught this one as close as 2 meters and flashed the shot. Its unique body markings are a white tip to its long tail and its red eye.
I got to capture a picture of this beautiful Streated Spiderhunter going on its round of nectar. Its has distinct orange-yellow legs amongst its cousin grey breasted one.
The tiny one that I guess i saw is the
Orange-bellied flowerbird based on its tailless profile and beak.

Fraser Hill 2006

Its the school holidays and we were off to the hill in the late morning of Saturday after doing the marketing and setting up the new water pump and filter to the koi pond. Don't want to see the fishes belly up when we get back we!

Hwa's family decided to come with us. So we took her MPV. Fill the 2 tonne RM80 of petrol and off we go. We traveled thru Ulu Yam alternative road from Batu Cave. The traffic was light as we make our way to Kuala Kubu Baru. The trunk road had collapse or major road repair at the start of the hill from KKB.... and we have to detour thru the chinese village.

It has been 5 years since our last trip there with KKK's family ........and what a change the Selangor Dam is up and full. A stretch of new road replaces the old thus cutting the trip shorter by a good 5 mins. We made a stop at the single lane bridge to explore the place and so that the children can adapt to the altitude. The water flow is a bit low and we saw white water rafting activities down below..... a few of them trying to maneuver the rapids. One raft topple over and its occupants got themselves a good dunking. I reminiscent my own encounter and its was great fun......... James if you are reading this you be laughing over your harrowing escape.

The journey continued for another 30 mins as we follow the leader.....a big truck moving at 20-30kmph. They are a courteous lot and do stop by to let us thru when the queue gets long. Along the way you see canvas covering hillside because of erosion. At one section the trunk road
had collapse and is being upgraded.
Reaching the Gap the foothill of FH at about 3pm. The temperature was getting cooler. So winding down the windows is a good idea as we ascend by the alternative road exiting at Fraser Pines Resort. Apparently the Raja Muda of Pahang is in town and the main access was reserved for him.

Upon reaching the FHGC/clock tower we stop at the food stalls for the kids to explore whilst Hwa went to get the keys to the bungalow Cini

We then adjoured to the bungalow to freshen up and explore the place. We had dinner at Silverpark as part of the package for 5 whilst the other have steamboat in the bungalow. There is a TV for entertainment

Next day it was a full day of activities. After breakfast everybody were game for jungle trailing. Hemmant trail is the easiest and safe with children and old one tagging along.

Later we went for the free horse ride and pedal boats under our package. The children also tried out archery at the Paddock. RM6 for 10 arrows. Its been awhile ......last tried it at ClubMed Phuket

First time visiting the Jeriau waterfall. Silted up but I am impress with the proper infra and cleanliness...... very nice place for R&R. It was a bit cloudy and so a bit cooling in the evening. There is another golf course further up the hill Not so popular and deserted. A pity

We say our farewell to Cini with some group photos and promise that we will be back soon. As for me birding in Fraser Hill gets me wanting more so definately next year 2007

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Temple series -3 Teluk Kemang Hill Temple Port Dickson

You cannot miss this tiny temple with beautiful and colorful archway on a hill crop. The caretaker snapped at me .........not to take any photo inside the hall. There is nothing interesting inside anyway. The place was empty of worshippers as I explore the outside compound. The actual size laughing Buddha is so contagious and somewhat relieve all your grievance and unhappiness by just looking at him.........the background is the inner temple.

Behind the temple is a
a man made waterfall garden and placed in different spots are the characters of the Journey to the West story of the Prince, Monkey god and other disciplesKuan Yin...... KH's god mother overlooks the koi pond at the outside.I would liked to see more trees to give shade and life to the place.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Malaysian Jokes Series 1

Who says our English is teruk.? Just see below - Ours is simple,short,concise, straight-to-point, effective etc.......
WHEN GIVING A CUSTOMER BAD NEWS Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you. Malaysians: No Stock. You wan go to other store

RETURNING A CALL Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago? Malaysians: Hello, who page?

ASKING SOMEONE TO MAKE WAY . Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way? Malaysians: S-kew me

WHEN SOMEONE OFFERS TO PAY Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me. Malaysians:No-need, lah.

WHEN ASKING FOR PERMISSION Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door? Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?

WHEN ENTERTAINING Britons: Please make yourself right at home. Malaysians: Don't be shy, lah!

WHEN DOUBTING SOMEONE Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money. Malaysians: Where got?

WHEN DECLINING AN OFFER Britons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don't mind. Malaysians: Don't want la...

IN DISAGREEING ON A TOPIC OF DISCUSSION Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.

Malaysians: You mad, ah?

WHEN ASKING SOMEONE TO LOWER THEIR VOICE. Britons: Excuse me, but could you please ! lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here. Malaysians: Shut up lah!

WHEN ASKING SOMEONE IF HE/SHE KNOWS YOU. Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time. Do I know you? Malaysians: See what, see what?

WHEN ASSESSING A TIGHT SITUATION. Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment. Malaysians: Die-lah!!

WHEN TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT HAD HAPPENED Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened? Malaysians: Wat happen Why like that....

WHEN SOME ONE DID SOMETHING WRONG Britons: This isn't the way to do it here let me show you,Malaysians: like that also don't know how to do!!!!

WHEN ONE IS ANGRY Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me Malaysians:Celaka u

Monday, March 06, 2006

Birdies in the Wild Series 15 - Tanjung Tuan

During the Raptor Watch in PD last weekend I managed to sight a few new birds al least for me. The first one is the Common Golden backed Woodpecker. It amazing when you sight one in real life and not in books. It flew overhead and perched on a tree about 50 ft high. Curious bugger looking over all the birders down there. My 300mm lens cannot get a good closeup shot but suffice as record of sighting.

The other one I caught is the spider hunter looking for insects amongst palm tree blossoms. Looks like it caught something!

One of the guy I chat up said he managed to photograph 20 different species in a morning session. He uses EF100-400mm F4 L IS USM lens. I did try out his lens and man it focus fast and its picture sharper than my EF75-300mm. See the swallow shot below as compared to mine in the previous series