Sunday, June 11, 2006

Birding in Ampang Forest Reserve Part 2

This time round we went early.... reaching the place at sharp after fetching Hui & Teng2. Spend half an hour at the carpark trying to catch the woodpecker but instead caught a grey and brown breasted bird which I cannot id from my book. Will check with the Yahoo birders guys later.

Started walking along the road and bingo all the birds just fly in and walla there are the woodpeckers.... 2 species at the same time. I was so excited

The male Brown capped (with red streak at its cheek) and then the Crimson winged. Usually in pairs which I also manage to photograph

At the same time a handful of curious Drongo flew in and it was a bonanza. The Greated Racquet tailed is quite a huge bird more than a feet long. Silky black with red eyes. It montane cousin is a half it size. Last saw them was in Pulau Jerejak but then I managed a silhouette shot.

Walking back to the carpark we managed to see the blue-tailed bee eater in action... catching insects in the air. It always perch on the same branch on its return before flying off to catch the next.

All in all it was a fruitful outing . All photos taken with the old faithful EF70-300mm IS USM lens. For handheld birding photography image stabiliser is a must.


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