Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Birdie in the Wild series 4

Wow I am really hooked on this bird watching stuff, Here is another 2 new birds that can be found at our place. This one is the most wanted for its singing ability. The Magpie Robin Every morning and evening we can listen to them and they can actually follow the tune of your whistling!
They also comes in a pair. There are people who snare them and put them in cages for their entertainment. "2nd Uncle" God bless his soul used to have one or two.
They keep the bugs and caterpillars in check

The other one that is even more sort after is the Merbuk /Turtle Dove of the pigeon famili. They actually have bird singing competition every year. And the rich are willing to pay big money for the the champion It not uncommon a good crooner bird to fetch RM10,000- 50,000! They are field ground grazers of seeds and nuts and insects


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